1) There is a bishraam after “Gurprasaad”. Some Gursikhs say “Gurprasaad Japp” but this does not seem right. The meanings they derive are that one does japp of Vaheguru through Guru kee kirpa. But the topic in Mool Mantra is Vaheguru and not his jaap. So the word “Gurprasaad” means that Vaheguru is attained through the kirpa of Guru. Prasaad means kirpa and the sihaari in the end of “Prasaad” makes this word a naav (noun) in Karan-Kaarak form. The word “Gur” is a noun in Sambandh Kaarak form because the preposition or kaarak “Ke” or “de” is hidden in the end of it. The meaning of the whole compound word is “Gur de prasaad raahee” or “Gur de prasaad duaara”.
2) “Japp” is the name of this baani and as such should be pronounced independently. There should be a Bishraam before pronouncing the next Salok “Aad Sach…”.
3) There should be a pause placed after “Nanak” in “Nanak, Hosi bhee Sach”. At pretty much all places where “Nanak” is a mukta (i.e. has no aunkad or sihaari in the end” and except where the word “Nanak” is a sambandh kaarak, there should be a bishraam (pause) at the word “Nanak”.
4) There should be jamkee (small pause) after “Sochai” and “Chupai” which mean Sochan karke and Chup rehan karke.
5) But there should be no bishraam after “Bhukhiyaa” in the third pankiti of the first pauri of Siri Jap jee Sahib. “Bhukhiyaan Bhukh” should be uttered together since the word “bhukhiyaan” is a plural noun in sambandh kaarak form and it means “bhukhiyaan dee bhukh”.
6) “Hukam Razaayee” means Razaayee (Razawaalay Vaheguru jee) de hukam vich).
7) There should be a jamkee after “Nanak” in the first pauri.
taken from http://www.tapoban.org/forum/read.php?1,775