guru guru krq mnu loro ]
gur gur karath man loro ||
Let your yearning mind call out, ""Guru, Guru"".
guru guru krq sdw suKu pwieAw ]
gur gur karath sadhaa sukh paaeiaa ||
Chanting Guru, Guru, I have found eternal peace.
guru guru krq sdw suKu pwieAw gur crxI icqu lweI hy ]2]
gur gur karath sadhaa sukh paaeiaa gur charanee chith laaee hae ||2||
Calling out, ""Guru, Guru"", I have found eternal peace; my consciousness is focused on the Guru's feet. ||2||
guru guru krq srix jy AwvY pRBu Awie imlY iKnu FIl n peIAw ]5]
gur gur karath saran jae aavai prabh aae milai khin dteel n peeaa ||5||
Uttering, ""Guru, Guru"", she seeks His Sanctuary; so God comes to meet her, without a moment's delay. ||5||
gurU gurU guru kir mn mor ]
guroo guroo gur kar man mor ||
Chant Guru, Guru, Guru, O my mind.
it's sad some ppl criticize gursikhs for doin naam abhiyaas wen they hear "guroo guroo" sound and they say the gurmantar is "waheguroo" and that saying "guroo guroo" is not gurmantar.... the gurmantar is "waahe-guroo" and wen doin simran with the breath in and out den you will hear the louder sound of "guroo.. guroo" coming out hence in gurbani and hukamnamas of guroo sahib it mentions japping guroo guroooooo.
guroo guroo jap meet hamaamrae... mukh oojul hovehi darbaarae!!!
There's a related article to this on Tapoban Messageboard about people mocking Gursikhs doing simran and comparing to animals. Here is the link
god help us all.
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