Youth Keertan Darbaar
Saturday 17th March
6pm till late
Gurdwara Nanak Darbar
136 High Road
New Southgate
London, N11 1PJ
Keertani include, Bhai Abinash Singh, Bhai Hari Singh, Bhai Manvir Singh, Bibi Ishpreet Kaur, Bibi Prabjeet Kaur, Bibi Harmohan Kaur, Bibi Kuljeet Kaur, Bibi Amrit Kaur, and many more.
kirtan was soooo amazing! hopefully with Gurji's kirpa more programmes like this can go onn
awesome :D
it was amazing
it was greattt. wen r da recordings goin up? where was da cake?? :(
when sukhi gets them to me lol.
Singh, when are the recordings up man ?Please they takin ages man.
singh, hav u got the recordin to the Simran of the Singh who also sang Mera Baid Guru Gobinda?
Hav u got the Simran sang before that
there are a few still to do. We will try and get them up on SweetSikhi.com asap.
fateh...bhaj do u hav Abinash Singhs kirtan from southgate? cos its not on sweet sikhi :S ..thank yoou
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